On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Media, the DfdK awards diffusion funding, a revival and guest performance grant available to independent performing artists in Hamburg. The DfdK is also responsible for the administration of dance space funding on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Media. The DfdK also provides an overview of regular funding opportunities and funding deadlines for the performing arts community in Hamburg.
The revival and guest performance funding programme, which the Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg (DfdK) has been awarding since 2019 on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Media, is intended for all independent performing artists in Hamburg who wish to present their existing productions again in Hamburg or elsewhere. The declared aim is to increase the visibility of existing productions and enable better evaluation of individual projects. Keyword sustainability.
The revival and guest performance funding programme, which the Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg (DfdK) has been awarding since 2019 on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Media, is intended for all independent performing artists in Hamburg who wish to present their existing productions again in Hamburg or elsewhere. The declared aim is to increase the visibility of existing productions and enable better evaluation of individual projects. Keyword sustainability.
Application Deadlines
01.03. | 01.07. | 01.11. of each year
Applicants whose performances are planned for before the end of the current year should apply before the deadline on 1 March or 1 July.
Applicants whose productions are planned for the following year should apply before the deadline on 1 November.
A decision is expected no later than 4 weeks after the application deadline.
Scope of Funding
The maximum application amount is 20,000 euros per project.
There is no lower limit on the amount of funding.
- The applicant is the independent artist or the group that owns the production.
- Hamburg artists whose work and/or life is based in Hamburg are eligible to apply. (In case of doubt, please state this in the application)
- Funding is available for revivals in Hamburg and guest performances outside Hamburg (repetition of an existing production). At the time of submitting the application, a premiere must have already taken place and the production must have been shown in Hamburg.
What will not be funded?
Productions that were created as part of a degree programme will not be considered.
Application Form
The application includes the completed application form (see download link), some form of documentation of the production and an applicable cost and financing plan.
Please send the documents to: antrag@dfdk.de
If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact Manolito Juschkus in the network office: manolito.juschkus@dfdk.de
Forms for Subsidised Productions
Award Procedure
A three- to four-member panel of jurors decides on the awarding of funding at each deadline. The jurors are themselves involved in the independent scene. This panel of jurors is based on the idea that decisions are made by people who know the needs of the scene. According to the principle: from the scene for the scene.
Who can become an juror?
In principle, any member of the DfdK or any person nominated by a member can become a juror; the person must have been active in the independent scene in Hamburg for at least two years.
The panel of jurors
The panel is made up of jurors selected by lottery once a year. Each juror is a member of the panel for at least two application periods and a maximum of three. The rotation is staggered so that the jury never consists of completely new members.
Important: Jurors cannot submit their own funding application during this period. This ensures that the scene decides in favour of the scene.
Jury meeting
The panel of jurors meets after each deadline for a joint meeting to discuss the awarding of funding. The committee is free in its decision, but should be guided by the relevance of the production (revival or guest performance) as well as the attempt to take into account all branches of the independent performing arts in Hamburg.
A representative from the network office (which is responsible for processing) and a representative from the Ministry of Culture and Media also attend the meetings as non-voting observers.
Become an juror and decide!
The panel of jurors meets after each deadline for a joint meeting to discuss the awarding of funding. The panel is free in its decision, but should be guided by the relevance of the production (revival or guest performance) as well as the attempt to take into account all branches of the independent performing arts in Hamburg.
Register now as a juror using the following form: Application form
You can register as a juror at any time, the jurors are drawn by lottery once a year at the DfdK general meeting in autumn for the following year. If you have any questions, please contact the network office: info@dfdk.de
Funded Productions
... in funding has been distributed to our applicants since 2019.
Diffusionsförderung is supported by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Culture and Media.
Tanzraumförderung (TRF) The Dance Space Funding
What is the Tanzraumförderung? The Tanzraumförderung (TRF) is a unique opportunity for independent dance creator* in Hamburg to deepen their work with their own bodies (also in collaboration with colleagues) and their artistic research. As part of the funding programme, dance professionals are provided with access to dance studios to enable them to train regularly.
For this purpose, the Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg e.V. rents various studios in Hamburg as part of a grant from the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media and allocates 2 to 3-hour rehearsal slots free of charge to independent Hamburg dance professionals. Applications for the TRF 2025/2026 are open from April 1 to May 18 2025 possible. The application form will be online available as of April 2025.
The allocation of slots for regular and flexible use is based on demand. As a rule, these hours are Monday - Sunday between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm.
What is the Tanzraumförderung? The Tanzraumförderung (TRF) is a unique opportunity for independent dance creator* in Hamburg to deepen their work with their own bodies (also in collaboration with colleagues) and their artistic research. As part of the funding programme, dance professionals are provided with access to dance studios to enable them to train regularly.
For this purpose, the Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg e.V. rents various studios in Hamburg as part of a grant from the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media and allocates 2 to 3-hour rehearsal slots free of charge to independent Hamburg dance professionals. Applications for the TRF 2025/2026 are open from April 1 to May 18 2025 possible. The application form will be online available as of April 2025.
The allocation of slots for regular and flexible use is based on demand. As a rule, these hours are Monday - Sunday between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm.
Who Can Apply?
Applications are open to freelance dance professionals who work full-time as dancers, choreographers and dance mediators in Hamburg.
Dance professionals must fulfil two of the following three requirements:
Realisation of or participation in a professional dance production (as a dancer, choreographer or dance mediator/dance teacher) or a comparable format
Completion of a dance degree programme, dance training or proof of equivalent professional experience
Recommendation by a person who is already in the TRF (in the sense of peer evaluation)
Application Documents
• Application form (Download)
• Proof of 3 of past productions (e.g. contracts, programme booklet, certificate etc.)
• KSK notice // or tax assessment notice (possibly in combination with other evidence clearly showing that the freelance activity is generated in the field of dance)
• Curriculum vitae, certificates if applicable
• Letter of recommendation, if applicable
Please send the application documents together to jule.fuchs@dfdk.de.
The Following are Excluded from Funding
• The TRF may not be used for commercial or profit-orientated activities, such as workshops, castings or lessons.
• The TRF may not be used by students who are enrolled full-time in an artistic degree programme.
Studios der TRF
• Triade Studio für Tanz und Performance (St.Pauli)
• Bewegungsraum im Gängeviertel (Neustadt)
• Wiese-eG Theatrales Bildungs- und Produktionszentrum (Barmbek)
The number of studios available depends on the annual funding situation.
Dance space funding is provided by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Culture and Media.
* Dance creator is a dancer or choreographer, dance mediator who works artistically, pedagogically or in cultural education. (It is characterised by productions, mediation work or other forms of sharing one's own work).
General Funding & Funding Deadlines
We have compiled a list of the most common funding programs for the performing arts community in Hamburg and at a national level. All information is subject to change, please check the requirements on the respective website to assess whether the respective funding is suitable for you. The Ministry of Culture and Media lists current funding opportunities here. Another very good overview of funding opportunities for all sectors and industries is provided in August by the Hamburg Creative Society at this link.
We have compiled a list of the most common funding programs for the performing arts community in Hamburg and at a national level. All information is subject to change, please check the requirements on the respective website to assess whether the respective funding is suitable for you. The Ministry of Culture and Media lists current funding opportunities here. Another very good overview of funding opportunities for all sectors and industries is provided in August by the Hamburg Creative Society at this link.