Dachverband freie
darstellende Künste
Hamburg e.V.


become a member

About Us

The Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg e.V. is the umbrella organisation for professional independent performing artists in Hamburg. In dialogue with politicians, administrators, and the public, the DfdK advocates for the interests of its over 300 members, which include individual artists, groups, venues for independent theater, dance, and performance, as well as various advocacy organizations.


Board of Directors

The Executive Board of the DfdK represents the association externally. As a voluntary board, it is elected for a period of two years by the general assembly.

Current board: Analy Nágila Reis, Fernanda Ortiz, Jens Dietrich, Julia zur Lippe and Franziska Jakobi.

The Executive Board of the DfdK represents the association externally. As a voluntary board, it is elected for a period of two years by the general assembly.

Current board: Analy Nágila Reis, Fernanda Ortiz, Jens Dietrich, Julia zur Lippe and Franziska Jakobi.

"The disastrous situation of independent performing artists needs to be improved and requires urgent political action regarding the current funding situation. In constructive dialogue with the Hamburg Department of Culture and Media (BKM) and the cultural policy spokespeople of the parliamentary groups, we aim to increase the funding for Product 6 'Theatre and Dance Scene' within Product Group 251.01 (Theatre, Museums, and Libraries) of Plan 3.3 (BKM Hamburg) for the next two-year budget (25/26), and propose structural changes to the funding system.

We use various campaigns to direct the attention of politicians and the public to the situation of the independent performing arts community. Recently, the DfdK e.V. commissioned the sociologist Dr. habil. Alexandra Manske to prepare a report on the current situation of the independent performing arts in Hamburg. This important survey was financed by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media. In the thirty-page document, Alexandra Manske advocates ‘taking an even clearer path towards career and process-oriented funding models’ and emphasizes the importance of continuity in funding, especially for ‘mid-career and experienced artists.’ As the DfdK board, we read the report with interest and derived six cultural policy demands for the next two-year budget (25/26).

We also aim to ensure that the independent theatre scene in Hamburg is recognised as an important cultural player. To make this possible, we need better infrastructure: affordable, well-equipped rehearsal spaces and a medium-sized stage to meet the demand for suitable production venues.

In addition to our Hamburg-focused cultural policy agenda, we actively maintain external contacts to promote networking. With two representatives from the board, we are active members of the national association (BfdK), on the one hand, and on the other we seek direct contact with other Hamburg cultural institutions and organisations in order to strengthen the perception of our association and learn from each other.”

Advisory Board

The current advisory board is made up as follows: Regina Rossi, Mable Preach, Barbara Schmidt-Rohr, Eva Maria Glitsch ahap e.V. (Cora Sachs) and Kitsz e.V. (Julia Hart).

The current advisory board is made up as follows: Regina Rossi, Mable Preach, Barbara Schmidt-Rohr, Eva Maria Glitsch ahap e.V. (Cora Sachs) and Kitsz e.V. (Julia Hart).

Cultural Policy Positions

Netzwerkbüro (Network Office)

The Netzwerkbüro (NWB) has been the office of the DfdK since 2019 and its services are aimed at all stakeholders in Hamburg's independent performing arts community.

Network Office team: Julika Mücke (Management), , Christine Grosche (Communication), Manolito Juschkus (Administration, Funding), Jule Fuchs (Dance Space Funding), Elena Leskova (INTRO scholarship).

With its offers and formats, the NWB is committed to the professionalisation and training, structural development and visibility of Hamburg's independent performing arts. The main aims of the Network Office include the transfer of knowledge through a wide range of opportunities for consultation, networking and training services, the aggregation and presentation of the independent performing arts scene's event programme, and the provision of rehearsal and storage spaces.

On behalf of the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, the Netzwerkbüro is also responsible for awarding guest performance and revival funding (Gastspiel- und Wiederaufnahmeförderung) as well as dance space funding (Tanzraumförderung).

The Netzwerkbüro (NWB) has been the office of the DfdK since 2019 and its services are aimed at all stakeholders in Hamburg's independent performing arts community.

Network Office team: Julika Mücke (Management), , Christine Grosche (Communication), Manolito Juschkus (Administration, Funding), Jule Fuchs (Dance Space Funding), Elena Leskova (INTRO scholarship).

With its offers and formats, the NWB is committed to the professionalisation and training, structural development and visibility of Hamburg's independent performing arts. The main aims of the Network Office include the transfer of knowledge through a wide range of opportunities for consultation, networking and training services, the aggregation and presentation of the independent performing arts scene's event programme, and the provision of rehearsal and storage spaces.

On behalf of the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, the Netzwerkbüro is also responsible for awarding guest performance and revival funding (Gastspiel- und Wiederaufnahmeförderung) as well as dance space funding (Tanzraumförderung).

The Netzwerkbüro is funded by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Culture and Media.

Contact and availability of the network office

Telephone consultation:
Tuesday - Thursday: 10:00 - 14:00
Phone: 040 46 00 65 95

Office and on site
You can also visit us in our office during these times:

Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg e. V.
Jarrestraße 20, 4th floor
22303 Hamburg


We are generally easy to reach and will endeavor to respond promptly. The network office is not staffed on Fridays.

Telephone consultation:
Tuesday - Thursday: 10:00 - 14:00
Phone: 040 46 00 65 95

Office and on site
You can also visit us in our office during these times:

Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg e. V.
Jarrestraße 20, 4th floor
22303 Hamburg


We are generally easy to reach and will endeavor to respond promptly. The network office is not staffed on Fridays.


Through collaborations and memberships, the DfdK strengthens the independent performing arts’ position in Hamburg and realises joint projects with partners from Hamburg and nationwide.

Through collaborations and memberships, the DfdK strengthens the independent performing arts’ position in Hamburg and realises joint projects with partners from Hamburg and nationwide.